Astro Space Stamp Society
ORBIT is the official quarterly publication of The Society, full of illustrations and informative space stamp and space cover articles, postal auctions, space news, and a new issues guide.
Orbit Magazine issues 1-10
Contents of Orbit issue 01
Control Desk - Welcome from the Editor
Soviet Space Postmarks - Jurgen Peter Esders
Project Mercury - Peter Talbot-Ashby
Space Anniversary for Ascension
Postal Auction Notes - Adrian Woollaston
Manned Spaceflight Checklist #1 - Nigel Harpham
Postcard World - Tony Bird
On my Bookshelf - Tony Bird
Did you know - Tony Bird
This months cover stamps
Rules of the Astro Space Stamp Society
One of our Cosmonauts is missing!
Contents of Orbit issue 02
Control Desk
Collecting signed Russian Covers - David Saunders
Space Offer
Manned Spaceflight Checklist #2 - Nigel Harpham
A little Knowledge.... - Jean Brown
Colorano Covers - Eric Elias
Flight planning notes!
The I.A.F. Congresses - Bert van Eijck
Skylab Space Station
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Centre Stamp Club
Introduction to Checklist pt 1 - Harvey Duncan
Contents of Orbit issue 03
Control Desk
My favourite cover - Bert van Eijck
The Discovery of Neptune - Nigel Harpham
Writing up your collection - Jean Brown
On My Bookshelf - Tony Bird
Russian Space Mail - A.W. Swanston
I1 collectionne L'Espace
The Challenger Society
A sensation: Space mail from Mir - Bert van Eijck
Guidelines for Judging an Astrophilatelic exhibit
ASTP - International Co-operation in space
Paraguay issue - Harvey Duncan
Contents of Orbit issue 04
Control Desk
Nostalgia from the Space 1999 Annual
How to get Space Covers yourself - Jurgen Peter Esders
Watch this space - Peter Talbot-Ashby
When men first went to the moon - Tony Bird
Marshall Islands - From Prime to Space Shuttle
Launch Dates - Harvey Duncan
Postcards... on stamps
Contents of Orbit issue 05
Apollo 11 - Looking Back
On my Bookshelf - Jurgen Peter Esders
From my Collection - A.W. Swanston
Postal Auction - Dave Saunders
Let's Meet - Jurgen Peter Esders
The History of Manned Space Flight on Covers
Space City 1990 - Bert van Eijck
ASE Special offer details
First man on the moon - Tony Bird
Shuttle Launch Schedule - Jurgen Peter Esders
A year in Space #1 - George Spiteri
Autographed Covers Russian Style!
Contents of Orbit issue 06
U.S. Stamp News - via Eric Elias
CAPHCO celebrate 20th Anniversary of Moon Landing
Address list of Astronauts - Jurgen Peter Esders
Ariane Launch Schedule for 1990
History of Manned Space Flight on Covers #2
Phases of the Moon - First Quarter - Dr G.J. Smith
Constellations - Orion - Dr G.J. Smith
Information about STS-29 - Discovery Postmarks
From my Collection - A.W. Swanston
A year in Space #2 - George Spiteri
Shuttle Launch Schedule 1990 - Jurgen Peter Esders
A New Twist to Stamp Collecting - Harvey Duncan
Contents of Orbit issue 07
Star watch from Barbados
A Year in Space #3 - by George Spiteri
Twenty Year after the First Moon Landing
Halley's Comet Collection
Mission to Planet Earth
The Freedom Space Station Project
Rocket Mail Pioneer - by Bert van Eijck
Indian Postal Tariffs Rockets
Astro-World update - by Charles Bromser
Contents of Orbit issue 08
Space Station Freedom - by Peter Talbot-Ashby
Europe in Space: Sweden; Great Britain
The First Romanian Cosmonaut - by Greco Dan
Soviet Cosmonaut visits Essen, Germany
Rocket Mail Pioneer - by Bert van Eijck
From Copernicus to Jodrell Bank
Soviet Cosmonaut in Manchester, England
Antarctic site for new Telescope
The Book Review by Jurgen Peters Esders
Contents of Orbit issue 09
Watch this Space
Europe in Space: Liechtenstein; Jersey; Great Britain
Soviet-Afghan Flight
Ciskei - Solar System issue
Astrophilately - by Charles Bromser
Col. V.F. Bykovsky, Cosmonaut - by Gordon Hooper
ESRIN - The Information Business
Space Transportation Systems
A year in Space #4 - by George Spiteri
U.S.S.R. Space Covers
Soyuz TM-12 - The Juno Space Mission
Contents of Orbit issue 10
A Year in Space #5 - by George Spiteri
Weather Satellites - Denmark Europa 1991
Astro-World update - by Charles Bromser
Soyuz 5 Cosmonauts: Col. Volynov; Alexei Yesileyev; Yevgeny Khronov
Rocket Mail Pioneers - by Bert van Eijck
Committee of ASSS
Isle of Man - Europe in Space 1991
The Soviet cosmonaut Col. Yuri Romanenko
World Space Stamp Launch
The Cover that took 20 years to complete
The Kettering Space Trackers
Europe in Space - Liechtenstein; Gibraltar
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